BHRA Coronavirus Update
Domestic Abuse
Croydon FJC Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm
and at weekends 10am - 4pm
Drop in or call: 020 8688 0100
Free 24-Hour National Domestic Abuse Hotline
Call 0808 2000 247
Or if you or another person is in immediate danger:
Call 999
Council Tenants
All tenancy surgeries and all tenancy-related home visits are cancelled until further notice. If you have an urgent query.
Call us between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday on:
020 8726 6000 Extension: 88121
If you are a council tenant needing repairs, only emergencies will be attended during Covid-19 restrictions.
Call: 020 8726 6000 Extension: 88121
Useful Contact Numbers:
For Covid-19 related help and support.
Call: 020 8604 7787
Or email:
Adult Social Care
Telephone Support
Call: 020 8726 6000
If you are concerned about a
Vulnerable adult:
Call: 020 8726 6500
Or if the person is in
immediate danger:
Call 999
Children's Social Care
If you are concerned about a child at risk:
Call: 020 8255 2888
or out of hours:
Call: 020 8726 6400
Or if they are in immediate danger:
Call 999
Job Seekers
If you are looking for work:
Call Croydon Works:
020 8255 2724 or 020 8255 2725
Hardship or Financial Difficulties
Croydon Council offer a range of help and support for residents experiencing financial difficulties or struggling to pay rent or bills, from welfare and benefits advice , to employment and training support and much more.
We also run four food Stops with community partners in Fieldway, Selsdon, Thornton Heath and Purley.
If you're eligible, you can get £20 worth of fresh food and other groceries for @3.50 per week. For more information on Food Stops, email
Residents needing urgent food or welfare advice can call the council's Covid-19 helpline on 020 8604 7787
or email:
Wellbeing During Lockdown
If you're feeling isolated Age UK Croydon and CVA's new Telephone Befriending Service, pairs people with a volunteer for a regular chat and company :
Call 020 8686 0066
You can also support others:
Contact CVA on 020 8253 7060
Keep Learning
Join more than 52,000 members enjoying more than 40,000 eBooks and Audio books, thousands of up-to-date newspapers and more than 700 magazines online from Croydon's Libraries.
Music videos and hundreds of films can be streamed and library cards also offer access to online courses including languages and children's stories, quizzes and games.
Library card holders can access it all the MyLibraryApp, available on the App Store and Google Play.
Apply for a library card at
or contact via email