Thank you for your ongoing support & membership
If you are not a member or need to renew click on the join now button
Current Membership is £4 per household per year.
Q. What do I get for my £4?
A. You get a printed Newsletter at least 4 times a year with up to date news on issues impacting Addiscombe, Croydon and information on issues you or other members have raised on behalf of the neighbourhood. Your street representative attends BHRA Committee meetings and others within the committee attend and partake in meetings with the council, other community and action groups to help affect change and get answers to matters that concern our members and the wider community.
We arrange two trips per year, one in the Summer and one at Christmas. These are subsidised, so the cost to each member is £7 and £10 for a non member. A coach is laid on to take you there and bring you back. Past trips have been to Brighton, Portsmouth, Chichester, Rochester, Winchester, Rye, Hastings, etc. These trips are very popular, so you need to book your places as soon as possible after the trip is announced.
A booking slip is provided on the newsletter with information of the date, meeting time and location.
Once a year we hold our AGM, all members are encouraged to attend, we have different guest speakers each year, e.g., from the council, the Police, Politicians' and other groups. They will answer questions on local concerns and local projects like Ashburton Park/Halls, Blackhorse Bridge, Parking, Fly Tipping, Local shops and other areas of concern. This is a great forum to have your say and also give us feedback on how we are doing and raise any issues that affect you or your family.
BHRA Website
We have redesigned our website and its updated on a regular basis.
Please feel free to offer feedback and if you would like to send ideas you feel would improve the website or information you feel would add value for our community. Please email us on:
Social Events (Updated : Due to Covid-19 we have had to postpone our Quiz 'n' Chips evening, our AGM and our Summer trip, we will monitor events regarding our Christmas trip).
Last years' Easter Social event 'Quiz 'n' Chips' was a great success, it will be on again next year (2021) free fish and chips provided to each member. Soft drinks provided.
The evening includes different pub type written and visual quizzes, Charades and prizes for the winning teams. It's a really enjoyable & fun community event.