The Friends of Ashburton Park aim to improve the green space generally known as Ashburton Park along with the public facilities and public buildings within the park perimeter.
The Friends of Ashburton Park
After a lively meeting in the Oasis High School Academy on 24th November 2014, Friends of Ashburton Park (FOAP) committee was formed and in January 2015 the constitution was signed off.
The aim of FOAP is ‘to improve the green space generally known as Ashburton Park along with the public facilities and public buildings within the park perimeter.’
Support for the regeneration of the buildings and park continue to grow amongst the local community.
As with most local amenities across the country, cutbacks are resulting in less investment than ever before. It is hoped that FOAP will generate interest and bring life and investment into the park.
The challenge is great but with the will of the local residents and Croydon Council there is little reason these cannot be realised.